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Halacha For Today: Thursday, January 1 2009
1) If one is sick, or otherwise unable to say the entire Seder of Krias Shma Al HaMitah, it suffices to say the first parsha of Krias Shma and the Bracha of HaMapil.

If even that is too difficult, just the first Posuk of Krias Shma should be recited. (See Rambam Hilchos Tefilah 7:2. Aruch HaShulchan 239:5)

2) Even if one knows that he/she will not fall asleep immediately after saying Krias Shma Al HaMitah, it is still OK to say it when going into one’s bed for the night.

However, it is best if the Krias Shma is said when you are ready to go to sleep, and not if you still plan to read a book or otherwise remain awake for a while. (Mishna Berura 239:3. There are opinions that maintain that it may not be recited until one feels the sleep overtaking him/her, but most Poskim agree with the Mishna Berura.)

If one said the Krias Shma Al HaMitah and remained awake for a long time afterwards, it is proper to repeat the first Posuk of Krias Shma when he/she feels sleep overtaking them.

NOTE: I received the following email today from a reader, and thought it was inspirational, and worthwhile to share with everyone, especially now that we are learning the Halachos of Krias Shma Al HaMitah:    

"After reading [yesterday’s] halacha, I was reminded of a story about my grandmother, Rochel Freiman a"h. She said that her favorite song as a child was "Rigzu V’al Techetau...", a pasuk that we say in krias shema al hamitah.   
In fact, she said that she could never bring herself to do a sin.  Whenever she was about to do an aveira, she just couldn’t bring herself to do it!  She was quite a great woman who truly exemplified this pasuk."    

The power of a Posuk!

The Power of a Song! 

The power of a great Jewish woman! 


(Reader Submitted Questions of interest (on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topics) and my Answers taken from the Q & A page on the Halacha For Today website. For study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha. Questions can be sent to Halacha For Today )   

Reader’s Question:     

1) Is one allowed to take on a later  Sof Zman Tefillah time (e.g.  the [shitah of the] LEVUSH)   or do you have to stick to the  GR"A’s  time?  

2) Also  I heard  one can daven later on  SHABBOS!  Is  there  any truth in that?  3) If one  missed  sof zman  tefillah   which  part of  davening  should or should not be ommited? [until chatzot]  

My Answer: 
1) The accepted 2 times to follow are either the Magen Avraham or the Gr"a and Baal Hatanya’s zman. To adopt a different Psak, I would suggest speaking to a Rav first.  

2) Regarding davening later on Shabbos, please see the Halachos for July 17th 2008 on the archive page of my site ( , where we discussed this question: 

3) If it’s still before Chatzos, he should say Birchos Krias Shema, and Krias Shema. If it’s after Chatzos, he must only say the Parsha of Yetzias Mitzrayim, but the Poskim say it’s good to say the entire Krias Shema in order to accept upon himself the reign of Hashem.  Shemona Esrei cannot be said after Chatzos, and depending upon the circumstance, a make-up Tefilah may need to be added by Mincha.  Between Sof Zman Tefilah and Chatzos, most 

Poskim say that if he is a Meizid (he could have davened in time, but was negligent) he may not daven anymore (or he may daven and make a Tnai that if he may not daven now, the Tefilah should be a Tefilas Nedava). If it was a Shogeg (not his fault) then  B’Dieved he should daven Shemona Esrei, but he does not get S’char  of Tefilah B’Zmanah

Posted 1/1/2009 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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