1) Anybody above the age of 6 years may wash another person's hands for Netilas Yadayim. (Mishna Berura 159:70 explains that a child younger than six has no idea what he is doing, and thus isn't considered "force of a person" The Gaon of Vilna argues and allows it, as according to him it isn't an issue of "Da'as- understanding what is being done".)
Even someone who themselves did not wash their hands, may assist in washing your hands.
2) L'Chatchilah it is best not to have your hands washed by a woman in her days of impurity (Nidah), or by a non Jew at any time, as the Chazal deemed them impure. (Mishna Berura 159:69. The Mekor Chaim maintains that a man may not have his hands washed by a married woman, other than his wife, any time, regardless if she is a Nidah or not. See Shulchan Aruch even HaEzer Siman 21:5.)
When a woman is a Nidah she is forbidden from washing her husband's hands , and the husband is forbidden from washing his wife's hands.
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Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and my Answers. Taken from the Q & A page on the Halacha For Today website. For study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha. Questions can be emailed to Halacha For Today)
Reader's Question:
Which is worse, Baal Tashchis (wasting food) or Achila Gasa (Eating after one is full)? Let's say I'm eating an apple and I am full after I finish half. I should throw it out right?
My Answer:
Somoeone I know used to always say, "It's better to throw it out, than to throw it in"
Obviously, the best thing to do is to try and save the rest for later (or only take half an apple in the first place). If that isn't possible, it is better to dispose of it than to force it down, after you are full.
Our holy sages, the Chazal tell us
תנא דבי אליהו כל השונה הלכות בכל יום מובטח לו שהוא בן עולם הבא, שנאמר הליכות עולם לו, אל תקרי הליכות אלא הלכות - one who studies [at least two] Halachos daily is assured a portion in Olam Haba - the world to come. (:מגילה כ"ח )