Halachos for Erev Pesach
1)Erev Pesach is a Ta'anis (fast day) for Bechorim (first born) in commemoration of their being spared by Hashem in Mitzrayim, while the Egyptian firstborn were killed.
The prevalent Minhag is for first born males to participate in a "Siyum Mesechta" or other Seudas Mitzvah, and thus they aren't obligated to conclude their fasts. (Mishna Berura 470:10)
L'Chatchilah the firstborn must hear the Siyum, and not simply partake of the food that is being served. B'Dieved, even if the Siyum wasn't heard, he may eat. (See Halichos Shlomo Chapter 8:1 and Shu"t Minchas Yitzchak Vol. 9 Siman 45)
2)There is a dispute amongst the Poskim if a firstborn that was born via caesarian birth is required to fast. Therefore it is best if he partakes in a Siyum.
A firstborn under Bar Mitzva does not fast. However, it is customary for his father (or his mother, if the father is a Bechor himself) to fast (or participate in a Siyum) on the child's behalf.
Halachos for First Day of Pesach
1) It is a Mitzvah to burn a Kzayis of Chometz on Erev Pesach. Therefore, it's important to leave over a Kzayis for this purpose. If all the Chometz was discarded before the burning, it is best to buy or acquire a Kzayis of Chometz from somebody in order to perform this Mitzvah. (See Mishna Berura 445:10)
2) It is customary to recite "Kol Chamira V'Chamia etc." at Biur Chometz to once again proclaim that all Chometz that may be in your property should be nullified. This should only be said after a Kzayis of the Chometz that you threw into the fire has burned, otherwise it will be nullified, and you will not have satisfied the mitzvah of burning "your own" Chometz. ( Mishna Berura 434:7)
Halachos for Second Day of Pesach
1) It is forbidden to do "Melacha" on Erev pesach after Chatzos (Halachic midday).
Any Melachos that are permitted on Chol Hamoed are permitted after Chatzos on Erev Pesach. (Mishna Berura 468:7)
Simple ironing of clothing and Polishing shoes is permitted. More complicated ironing is prohibited, but may be done by a non Jew.
2) It is best not to get a haircut on Erev Pesach after Chatzos, even if the barber is a non Jew. B'Dieved, if a non Jew gives the haircut, it's ok. (Mishna Berura 468:5)
It is best to cut the nails before Chatzos. B'dieved if it wasn't done before, it may be done after Chatzos. (ibid.)
If one needs to mend an article of clothing, sew on a button, or similar "fixing" that is needed for Yom Tov, it is permitted. (Mishna Berura 468:8)
Laundry should not be done after Chatzos.
Halachos for Shabbos Kodesh, 1st Day Chol HaMoed Pesach
1) There is a debate amongst the Poskim as to the exact amount of fluid that makes up a "Revi'is".
For Mitzvos D'Oraysa (biblical commandments)the Poskim are stringent and require the larger amount of approx. 4.5 ounces, while fr Mitzvos D'Rabanan (rabbinic ordinances) the smaller shiur of 3.3 ounces suffices.(According to Rav Moshe Feinstein Zatzal)
The 4 cups of wine at the Pesach Seder are a Mitzvah D'Rabanan and thus would only require 3.3 ounces for each of the 4 cups. If one is able, of course, it is best to try and drink the 4.5 ounces even for Mitzvos D'Rabanan. But if one has a hard time drinking that many cups of wine, the smaller Shiur may be relied upon.
2) Even though women are not required to do "Heseiba- leaning" when eating Matza and drinkingthe 4 cups of wine atthe Seder, it is indeed the custom of many women to do so anyway.
Even those women that do not lean, should still make sure that they are seated, and try to have a comfortable chair as their expression of "freedom". ( See Moadim U'Zmanim Vol. 3 Siman 257)