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Thursday, Tisha B'Av 5769: SPECIAL EDITION
Halacha For Today: 
July 30th 2009
Tisha B'av 5769
To See Today's Yahrtzeit's CLICK HERE 
IMPORTANT: It is prohibited to study most Torah topics on Tisha B'Av, including the halachos we are currently studying,  due to the fact that Torah study gladdens the heart. Therefore, today's
halachos will be a review of some  relevant halachos of Tisha B'Av (which we are permitted to study according to Rav Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach Zatzal and other Poskim). We will iy"H resume our regular topic tomorrow. I wish all of you an easy and meaningful fast.
Today's halachos are dedicated by a daily reader, C.S., in memory of her dear mother Marim bas R' Shloimie Yoi'el whose Yahrtzeit is today.
 May her  neshama continue to have an Aliya in Gan Eden

1) There are five main things that bring a person enjoyment, and are therefore prohibited on Tisha B'Av:

#1) Eating /Drinking (this includes brushing teeth and rinsing the mouth with water)

#2) Washing one's body [or hands or face] for pleasure,even in cold water (Washing the hands upon waking and after using the bathroom is permitted, but only until the knuckles of the hands should be washed)

#3) Smearing soap, oil,lotion, cream etc. for pleasure. ( If necessary for medical reasons, it isn't prohibited. Likewise, deodorant may used to prevent or eliminate odors)

#4) Wearing leather shoes (Even if only part of the shoe is leather)

#5) Marital relations (It is best to be stringent and avoid sharing a bed or even touching one's spouse on Tisha B'Av)

2) On Tisha B'Av it is forbidden to learn Torah since learning Torah brings happiness, as the Posuk states Pekudei Hashem Yesharim, Mesamchei Lev (Tehillim 19) and on Tisha B'Av all Jews assume the status of mourners, and thus are prohibited from doing activities that bring happiness. It is, however, permitted to learn certain sad topics that remind us of our bitter Galus (e.g. Certain parts of Sefer Yirmiyah, Midrash Eicha, the Agaddah in the fifth Perek of Gittin (Starting from 56b ) or the Yerushalmi at the end of Taanis that deals with the Churban etc.) as well as Hilchos Tisha B'Av
( See halichos Shlomo page 440)

Smoking cigarettes/Cigars is prohibited on Tisha B'Av. Some authorities allow it after Chatzos (midday) if done secretly. (Some contemporary Poskim prohibit smoking altogether, even the rest of the year.)
3)  On Tisha B'Av it is customary to limit one's pleasures as much as possible. Some people have the custom to sleep with a stone under their pillow, to make their sleep uncomfortable. Many people simply sleep with one less pillow than they are accustomed to. Each person can do whatever it is they feel would minimize their personal comfort, and thus satisfy the spirit of Aveilus.
From nightfall of Tisha B'Av until Chatzos (midday, around 1:00 pm ) we do not sit on chairs that are higher than 3 Tefochim (around 18 inches). Some have the custom to sit directly on the floor. Though sitting on regular chairs is permitted after Chatzos, the other prohibitions of Tisha B'Av (eating, washing etc.) are prohibited all day until nightfall of the 10th of Av.  
4)  Tefillin is not donned at Shacharis on Tisha B'Av, rather it is worn at Mincha. The special Bracha of "Nacheim" which asks Hashem to comfort us from our state of mourning, is inserted into the Beracha of "V'LiRushalayim Ircha" in the Shemona esrei of Mincha. It should be said with deep Kavanah (concentration) 
5)  Kiddush Levana is recited after Maariv on Motzei Tisha B'Av, but should only be recited after breaking the fast. Women do not say Kiddush Levana (ever).
It is best to say Kiddush Levana with a large Minyan  (B'Rov Am Hadras Melech), but B'Dieved it may be recited with just another person there, or even alone if no one is around. 
  6) All the Halachos of the nine days (meat, wine, music, cutting hair etc.) are in effect until after midday of the tenth of Av. One who abstains from the above for the entire day (even past midday) is blessed.
When Tisha B'Av falls out on Thursday (as it does this year), it is permitted to do laundry immediately after the fast is over, and no need to wait until after Chatzos on Friday. Haircuts and showers, too, are permissible if  it will be difficult to wait until Friday. 
Eating meat, wine, listening to music, however, is still prohibited until after Chatzos on Erev Shabbos.
It is proper to refrain from marital relations on the night of the tenth of Av, unless that is the night of Tevilah.


Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers. Taken from the Q & A page on the Halacha For Today website.
Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are  still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to    

Reader's Question: 
Must children also wear non leather shoes on Tisha B'Av?
Yes, if they  are above the age of Chinuch, they should be taught to wear non leather shoes on Tisha B'Av.
(See Chochmas Adam 152:17. see also  Igros Moshe Yoreh Deah Vol. 1 Siman 224 and Moadim U'Zmanim Vol. 7 Siman251)
In many circles, it is common practice to have even small children wear non leather on tisha B'Av. 

 Our holy sages, the Chazal tell us  
  תנא דבי אליהו כל השונה הלכות בכל יום מובטח לו שהוא בן עולם הבא, שנאמר הליכות עולם לו, אל תקרי הליכות אלא הלכות
- one who studies [at least two] Halachos daily is assured a portion in Olam Haba -  the world to come. 
(:מגילה כ"ח )

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Tizkeh L'Mitzvos!

Posted 7/30/2009 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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