The The following is a (loose) translation of the 13 Middos Shel Rachamim taken from the Sefer HaToda'ah by HaRav Eliyahu Ki Tov Zt"L based on the Gemara Rosh Hashana 17b. (There are many other interpretations by Rishonim , Achronim, and Mekubalim,on many different levels, but the following is the simplest and most concise way of understanding these marvelous 13 gifts from Hashem.)
1) Hashem: "I am Hashem the merciful one before man sins, even though I know he will eventually sin"
2) Hashem: "I am the merciful one even after man sins [and repents] "
3) Kail: Kail is another expression of Hashem's Midas HaRachamim (attribute of mercy) 4) Rachum: "I have mercy on poor people"
5) V'Chanun: "and I have compassion for affluent people as well"
6) Erech Apayim: Hashem delays his anger and punishment and patiently awaits our Teshuva (repentance)
7) V'Rav Chesed: Hashem acts with compassion even to those without much of their own merits
8) V'Emes: Hashem rewards those who do His will
9) Notzer Chesed L'Alafim: Hashem remembers the Chesed that man does, for thousands of generations
10) Nosei Avon: Hashem carries mankind's sins (that were done intentionally) and holds on to them. (Doesn't punish right away)
11) V'Pesha: Hashem also carries mankind's defiant sins (that were done in rebellion)
12) V'ChaTa'ah: Hashem also carries mankind's unintentional sins (that were done inadvertently)
13) V'Nakeh Lo Yenakeh: Hashem wipes the slate (of sins) clean for those who repent, but not for those who remain unrepentant.
(taken from the archives of Hilchos Chodesh Elul, Halachos of September 21 2008. Might be a good idea to copy and paste the above and distribute in your shul for the duration of selichos)
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1)There is a debate amongst the Poskim whether a man whose line of work brings him in contact with mostly women (such as a women's doctor, a women's clothing store owner or similar occupation where most of the work day is spent around women) may be alone with a woman when his wife is with him, or if an additional deterrent is necessary (such as an open door etc.)
According to many Poskim, having his wife with him will not suffice for such a man (ruling of Tosefos Kidushin 82a Dibur Hamaschil Lo, Yam Shel Shlomo end of Kidushin Siman 28, Taz Siman 22:6, and the Gaon of Vilna in his commentary to Kidushin 80b), while other Poskim maintain that having his wife there with him helps even for such a man. (Ruling of Rambam Hilchos Isurei Biah Perek 22:8, Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer Siman 22:7, Shu"t Igros Moshe Even HaEzer Vol. 4 Siman 65:14 and others) 2) A Jewish woman may not be alone with a non Jewish man even if the non Jew's wife is present, as a non Jewish woman is not an acceptable Shomeres. (Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer Siman 22:7)
Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers. Taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Todaywebsite.
Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
I was asked by someone the following question[which I am forwarding to you]:
"I go to the beach with a bunch of young married couples. The women go with shorts and tank tops.Some of them cover their hair, I don't.
It makes me feel uncomfortablethat they do this. How could one dress like this and then cover their hair. It's a chilul Hashem"
(and I quote...She wants me to ask a Rav).
She said "I would never dress like this way in the frum communities but I feel for the beach it's appropriate dress."
I don't know what to say.
It is forbidden for men and women to go to the beach together.
It is forbidden for men to see women unless all areas of Erva are covered. (This includes knees, elbows, neck line and hair [of a married woman])
The fact that it is on the beach and everyone is in a playful mood makes it all the worse, and there is absolutely no Heter for this.
The Torah commands us to keep our camp holy (V'Haya Machanecha Kadosh!). If we ignore this commandment, only tragedies and misfortune will continue to befall our nation. The way a Jewish man or women dresses, acts, speaks, thinks etc. must be refined and holy.. There is no difference if they are at home, on vacation or on the beach!
Hashem sees everything we do, no matter where we are.
That being said, if they will be doing so anyway in disregard of Halacha, they will be transgressing a sin for each additional Erva that is not covered. Thus, at least covering their hair would make the transgression less severe for a few reasons.
1) The fact that the hair is covered is a "sign" of sorts to the men there that she is off limits.
2) The fact that her hair is covered eliminates the seeing of an extra Erva.
3) Just because one transgresses one sin doesnt mean that another sin should be transgressed.
4) Similar to Rav Moshe Feinstein Zatzal's Psak about NOT removing a yarmulka when going into a movie theater, a bare head and uncovered body at the beach in front of men is an extreme Chilul Hashem, and as such should be avoided at all costs.
To say that covering the head at a beach is chilul Hashem, is just a rationalization for living life on their own terms, and not on Hashem's terms. (See last week's Parsha, Parshas Netzavim Perek 29 Pasuk 18 and 19 for a sampling of this attitude and R"L the severity of its punishment)
It is exactly the opposite! If she is worried about Chilul Hashem, she should not be there inthe first place, but if she is, at least minimize the chilul Hashem by dressing appropriately!
Chazal have taught us, and the Gedolim throughout the ages have been telling us that the arrival of Mashiach is being delayed in large part due to the laxity in observance of Hilchos Tznius. I can think of no worse laxity than "couples" mingling at the beach in various forms of undress Rachmana Litzlan.
May Hashem give us all the strength to stand up to the Yetzer Hara and refrain from all transgressions especially those involving the un-holiness of lack of Tznius/ Arayos that continue to cause Mashiach to not arrive.
Our holy sages, the Chazal tell us
תנא דבי אליהו כל השונה הלכות בכל יום מובטח לו שהוא בן עולם הבא, שנאמר הליכות עולם לו, אל תקרי הליכות אלא הלכות - one who studies [at least two] Halachos daily is assured a portion in Olam Haba - the world to come. (:מגילה כ"ח )