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Halachos for Erev Shabbos Kodesh
1) Continuation of specific fragrant items and their Brachos...
Hadasim (myrtle), any time except on Sukkos: Borei Atzei Besamim
Rose: Borei Atzei Besamim (see Mishna Berura 216:17, Kaf HaChaim 216:38 and Shu"t Radvaz Siman 740)
Lilies, if grown in an orchard: Borei Atzei Besamim; if grown in a field: Borei Isvei Besamim
Tabak: The prevalent Minhag is that no Bracha is recited (See Be'er Heitev 216:13)
Musk (a fragrance derived from animal glands/blood): Borei Minei Besamim (Mishna Berura 216:7)
Mint leaves: Borei Isvei Besamim (See Kaf HaChaim 216:13)
Flowers that are in a vase or a planter, which are there for their beauty and not for their fragrance: No Bracha unless they are specifically lifted to smell.
Halachos for Shabbos Kodesh
1) Cinnamon sticks: The prevalent minhag is to recite Borei Minei Besamim (Although some Poskim rule to say Borei Atzei Besamim and other Poskim rule to say Hanosen Rayach Tov B'Peiros. See Kaf HaChaim 216:34, Sha'ar HaTzion 216:12 and Shu"t Radvaz Siman740. Ground cinnamon, as well as any other spices, which are produced today for eating purposes, according to many Poskim does not require a Bracha when smelling it, and in fact it is best to refrain from smelling them in the first place. Thus, care must be taken to only use cinnamon at Havdalah if they are designated for smelling each week, and not simply taken from the spice rack where they are primarilyused for consumption. See Kaf HaChaim 216:39 and Seder Birchas Hanehenin Perek 11:9)
Other Oils: Whichever Bracha would be made when smelling the plant from which it was pressed, is recited when smelling its oils.
2) Tea leaves: The prevalent Minhag is to treat tea as a spice, and it is best to refrain from smelling it, and if it is smelled no Bracha is recited.
Wine: The prevalent Minhag is that no Bracha is recited
With much gratitude to Hashem for allowing us to eplore this wonderful topic, this brings us to the end of our foray into Hilchos Birchas HaRayach. If you have any questions on this or any topic, please feel free to contact me at any time.
B'Ezras Hashem we shall begin a new topic on Sunday.
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Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers. Taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Todaywebsite.
Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
The ingredients has flour as a main ingredient yet its a candy that people make shehakol on ?
Although it contains flour, it is only there as a binder to hold it together, and is not there to add to the taste or nutrition value, thus it isn't significant, according to most contemporary Poskim, and a Shehakol is recited.
Our holy sages, the Chazal tell us
תנא דבי אליהו כל השונה הלכות בכל יום מובטח לו שהוא בן עולם הבא, שנאמר הליכות עולם לו, אל תקרי הליכות אלא הלכות - one who studies [at least two] Halachos daily is assured a portion in Olam Haba - the world to come. (:מגילה כ"ח )