December 30th 2009
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If you are just joining us today, please see ARCHIVES so you can review the previous Halachos on this and other topics.
1) Ideally, the Bracha of Gomel should be recited within three days of being saved from the danger, even if by doing it within three days it will have to be said not in front of a Sefer Torah as is the custom. (See Mishna Berura Siman 219:20)
B'dieved, even up to five days is considered right away. (See Be'er Heitev 219:9)
However, if the Bracha was not recited within three [or five] days, it may still be recited for a while longer, as long as a very long time has not elapsed. (See Mishna Berura 219:8. See Shu"t Yabia Omer Vol. 3 Siman 16 and Shu"t Yechaveh Da'as Vol. 3 Siman 14. See also Shu"t Teshuvos V'Hanhagos Vol. 1Siman 197)
If indeed a long time has passed, to the point that many of the details of the ordeal , or even the ordeal itself, is already being forgotten (5 days according to some Poskim, 30 days according to others and 12 months, according to all Poskim), the Bracha is no longer recited [with Shem U'malchus]. (See Aruch HaShulchan Siman 219:7 and Shu"t Shevet HaKehasi Vol. 1 Siman 100:1)
2) A minor does not recite Birchas HaGomel. (Mishna Berura Siman 219:3)
There are various opinions regarding women and Birchas HaGomel, and we shall B'Ezras Hashem discuss them in the near future in more detail.
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