January 14th 2010
28 Teves 5770 (Yom Kippur Katan Mukdam)
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1) It is imperative to have separate cleaning equipment (e.g. soaps, sponges, brushes, rubber gloves etc.) for washing meat, dairy and parve dishes.
Even if the soap dispenser is closed or covered, it is still praiseworthy to have two separate units, as it is quite probable that the tip of the dispenser is touched by a sponge with grease on it and that grease can then be transferred to a utensil of the opposite classification.
If one class of dishes was mistakenly washed with a sponge of the other class, in most cases the dishes do not become non Kosher, as the water is usually not hot enough. However, the utensil should immediately be re-rinsed with cold water and with the proper cleaning apparatus.
If the dish in question is glass, there is room for even more leniency. As always, whenever in doubt, a Rav must be consulted.
When only one sink is present in the Kitchen, extra care must be taken after each time dishes are washed, to rinse off the faucets and the handles lest any residue remain on them which may be transferred to dishes of the other class.
2) Many Poskim require the dish soap that is used to wash dishes to have a Kosher certification as not to transfer any non kosher ingredients in the soap (very common for there to be oils/fats from non kosher animals in there) onto the utensils being washed.
Other Poskim, however, are lenient and do not require a Hechsher on dish soap. (See Igros Moshe Yoreh Deah Vol. 2 Siman 30)
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