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MOnday, 24 Shvat 5770, Feb. 8 2010
Halacha For Today: 
February 8th 2010
24 Shvat 5770
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1) Knives and other sharp utensils which are designated for meat or dairy, which were used to cut sharp foods transfer their status to the sharp foods, and those foods may not be eaten together with foods of the opposite class than the knife.

The above applies even if the knife was thoroughly cleaned, and even if more than 24 hours elapsed since the knife was last used. (See Shulchan Aruch Siman 96:1 and Kaf HaChaim 96:10 and 11)


2) Some common examples of "Sharp Foods" are: Onions, garlic, lemons, radishes,  raw horseradish, salty fish and according to some Poskim, pickles and other items prepared in vinegar. (See Shach to Yoreh Deah 96:1 and 16, Chochmas Adam 49:1,  Pischei  Teshuva 96:3, Kaf HaChaim 96:39  and Aruch HaShulchan Yoreh Deah 96:2 for more details about these foods and certain other leniencies that may be applicable in certain situations)


When in doubt if a food is considered sharp, of course a Rav should be consulted.

Yad Ezra V'Shulamit
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Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers. Taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.
Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are  still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
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Reader's Question:

[Question from a female reader]: I wanted to know what is the right thing to do in this situation:
I pray on the bus and train starting from brachot until shema, I stop after brachot  of shema, then i interrupt my tefila because I want to have extra kavana for shema and shemone esrei and  since I have very little time i can only say those two prayers at work and no more.
Is it a problem if I talk (say hello to coworkers) between brachot shema when i pause until i resume shema- and if not what is the best thing to do in this case?
Is it better not to say from Baruch sheamar until shema and only recite shema and shemone esrei at work or can I contiue to do what I do.
My trip is long so i have  the time- I'm just not sure its ok- and i can't finish everything on the train- because it's so crowded and I don't feel the prayer of shemonei esrei  can be said and often get shoved around. Please let me know what are some options in this case.



Once you start the Brachos of Shma and Krias Shma, it is extremely problematic to talk out or otherwise make an interruption  before finishing Shemona Esrei.

Women who cannot daven the entire tefilah, or who cannot do it at one time and in order, should keep in mind the following order of importance:
1) A short Tefilah consisting of a praise of, a request from and a thanks to Hashem (for those who cannot daven at all) 
2) Shemona Esrei
3) Birchos HaShachar
4)Birchos HaTorah
5) Main Pesukei Dezimrah (which means Baruch Sh'Amar, Ashrei and Yishtabach)
6) The first pasuk of Krias Shma and "Baruch Shem Kvod Malchuso L'Olam Va'ed"
7) The rest of Pesukei Dezimrah
8) The 3 parshiyos of Krias Sh'ma and their Brachos
Thus, in your case, I would recommend saying  Shemona Esrei at home first, and then saying everything else on the train in order.
Another option, in cases of necessity,  is to say the Shemona Esrei while sitting down on the train, with your feet together.
The above does not apply to men.
 Our holy sages, the Chazal tell us  
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- one who studies [at least two] Halachos daily is assured a portion in Olam Haba -  the world to come. 
(:מגילה כ"ח )

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Posted 2/8/2010 12:00 AM | Tell a Friend | Halacha for Today | Comments (0)

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