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If you are just joining us today, please see ARCHIVES so you can review the previous Halachos on this and other topics.
1)When hot liquid, such as soup, is removed from the pot (Kli Rishon) via a ladle and dished into a bowl, inevitably some liquid will remain on the ladle.
If enough time elapses, those droplets will cool off totally, in which case the ladle must be dried off before being reinserted into the pot lest the prohibition of Bishul be transgressed as the cold droplets become cooked once again.
The same applies to the pot cover containing droplets of liquid which fall back onto the pot when the cover is replaced.
Some Poskim rule that if the ladle or cover is shaken off very well to the point that very little liquid remains attached to it is considered dried off. (Psak of Maran HaRav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv Shlita quoted in Sefer MeOr HaShabbos Vol. 1 Siman 4 footnote 29, and HaRav Shmuel Wosner Shlita in Shu"t Shevet Haleivi Vol. 7 Siman 42. Rav Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach Zatzal is said to have ruled this way as well, though in his own home he was stringent.)
Other Poskim are stringent and require the ladle or cover to be totally dried off with no wetness left on it at all before it may be put back into the hot soup. (The Chazon Ish was stringent with this. See Shu"t Minchas Yitzchak Vol. 9 Siman 30 and 31.)
2) Even the Poskim that are lenient, are only lenient in the above case where the cold liquid in the ladle or cover was previously cooked, but in a case where the liquid was never cooked (such as pouring hot water from an urn into a glass that was just washed and has on it droplets of cold water) the droplets must be totally dried before the hot water can be added. (See Igros Moshe Orach Chaim Vol. 1 end of Siman 93)
The Thirty Nine Avos Melachos of Shabbos:
1. Zo'reah - Planting
2. Choresh - Plowing
3. Kotzer - Reaping
4. M'Amer - Gathering
5. Dash - Threshing
6. Zoreh - Winnowing
7. Borer - Sorting
8. Tochen - Grinding
9. Miraked - Sifting
10. Lash - Kneading
11. Ofeh / Bishul -Baking/Cooking
12. Gozez - Shearing
13. Melaben - Bleaching
14. Menapetz - Combing tangled wool
15. Tzo'veah - Dyeing
16. Toveh - Spinning
17. Mesach - Setting threads onto loom
18. Oseh Beis Batai Nirin - Preparing to weave
19. Oreg - Weaving
20. Potzeiah - Taking apart threads.
21. Kosher - Tying a knot
22. Matir - Untying a knot
23. Tofer - Sewing
24. Ko'reah - Tearing
25. Tzad - Trapping
26. Shochet - Slaughtering
27. Mafshit - Skinning
28. M'abed - Tanning
29. Mesarteit - Scratching out lines on parchment
30. Memachek - Smoothing
31. Mechatech - Cutting to exact shape
32. Kosev - Writing
33. Mochek - Erasing
34. Boneh - Building
35. Soser - Demolishing
36. Mechabeh - Extinguishing
37. Ma'avir - Kindling a fire.
38. Makeh B'Patish - Completing an object
39. Hotza'ah - Carrying between domains or in public domain
Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers. Taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.
Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to
Reader's Question:
Is it prohibited to read a newspaper on Shabbos?
Of course you are referring to Kosher newspapers, and not newspapers that contain in them content, graphics and photos that may not be present in a jewish home or read even in the weekday....
Certain parts of the paper are 100% prohibited to read on Shabbos. These include business related ads (even if you don't plan to purchase the advertised product or service), financial columns, cooking columns etc. (see Igros Moshe Orach Chaim Vol. 5 Siman 22:3 that business newspapers should not be read and are Muktzeh)
Torah content, biographies etc. may be read.
Sad Stories, obituaries etc. should not be read. (Mishna Berura Siman 307:3)
In general, if one can read a newspaper and avoid any prohibited content, it's OK. But if one will be unable to avoid glancing at business ads etc. it is best to avoid reading newspapers altogether on Shabos. (See Mishna Berura Siman 307:63 and Shemiras Shabbos K'hilchasah Perek 29:46 )
As a Zechus for the Refuah Shelaima of one of the Gedolei HaDor, the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva , HaRav Chaim Stein Shlita, R' Chaim Yaakov ben Chasya Miriam, B'soch Sha'ar Cholei Yisroel, we will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.
אל תתיאש מן הרחמים
Chizuk For Today:
Dear Brother,
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Yankel and I've been sitting in the row right behind you in shul for close to 16 years.
With the help of Hakadosh Baruch Hu, I have a beautiful family and a successful business.I have everything I want and need.
Normally I would tell you this in person when I'd see you in shul during davening, or maybe when there is even more time to schmooze, during chazaras hashatz or krias haTorah.
However, recently that changed.
The past few months we've seen tragedy as never before. An entire family wiped out and recurring terrorist attacks.
The ugly specter of anti-Semitism rising worldwide as never before. Patients lying in the hospital suffering from debilitating illnesses.
The loss of so many close friends due to illness and fatal car accidents. The number of young almanos and yesomim is growing by the day.
The number of families who can no longer stay afloat in these financially turbulent times is mind-boggling.
There are so many similar situations that each one of us knows personally.
The strength in Klal Yisroel lies in the love and responsibility each member feels for the others. With this in mind, I am beseeching you - no, begging you - to join me in a unique project to help counter these horrible tragedies that our nation is facing.
We are just beginning a new year, one which we will pray will be filled with yeshuos and good health for all of us.
One way to invoke Hashem's mercy is to follow the advice of the Tosafos Yom Tov: to focus on silence during davening as a way to bring Hashem's brachos upon us.
I am mekabel upon myself (bli neder) to refrain from talking during davening, with the sincere prayer that this kabbalah will bring greater brachos into my life and the lives of those who are an integral part of my life: all of you.
Please, please join me with whatever kabbalah you can make - for all the tefillos, just one, or even during chazaras haShatz or krias haTorah.
It will lend an aura of greater kedushah to our shuls and batei medrash. It would be a tremendous zechus for a yeshuah for all those in need if you would agree to join me in this powerful source of brachah.
Don't look down during davening. Look up. Look around you and see who needs your tefillos for health, for livelihood or for peace.
Daven for them, and b'ezras Hashem all of our tefillos will be answered l'tovah.
Let us storm the Heavens ... with our silence.
אבינו מלכנו סתום פיות משטיננו ומקטריגנו.
I love you all and wish you and your loved ones a year filled with Bracha , health and Parnasah.
Submitted by T.A.; Taken from
CLICK HERE for halachos of not talking during davening. Print a few copies and distribute in your shul!