1) According to some Poskim, two distinct mixtures [of similar consistencies], each of which have already been adequately prepared before Shabbos, may still not be combined into one another on Shabbos, and doing so would be a prohibition of the Melacha of Lisha. (Ruling of Rav Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach Zatzal quoted in Shmiras Shabbos K'Hilchaso Perek 8:16)
Thus, according to these Poskim, combining jam and honey or cream with a soft cheese would be prohibited, unless done in a permissible way (which we will B'Ezras Hashem discuss in the near future)
Other Poskim maintain that this is permitted as being that both items were already mixed from before Shabbos no Melacha has been transgressed by combining the two mixed items into each other on Shabbos. (See Igros Moshe Orach Chaim Vol. 4 Siman 74; Losh: 13)
2) However, if the two mixtures are identical (e.g. emptying an almost finished container of Techina or Tuna salad into another container containing Techina or Tuna salad in order to consolidate) it is permitted according to all Poskim.
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