1) Erev Pesach is a Ta'anis (fast day) for Bechorim (first born) in commemoration of their being spared by Hashem in Mitzrayim, while the Egyptian firstborn were killed.
The prevalent Minhag is for first born males to participate in a "Siyum Mesechta" or other Seudas Mitzvah, and thus they aren't obligated to conclude their fasts. (Mishna Berura Siman 470:10)
L'Chatchilah the firstborn must hear the Siyum, and not simply partake of the food that is being served. B'Dieved, even if the Siyum wasn't heard, he may eat. (See Halichos Shlomo Perek 8:1 and Shu"t Minchas Yitzchak Vol. 9 Siman 45)
2) There is a dispute amongst the Poskim if a firstborn that was born via a caesarian section birth is required to fast. Therefore it is best if he partakes in a Siyum.
A firstborn under Bar Mitzvah does not fast. However, it is customary for his father (or his mother, if the father is himself a Bechor) to fast (or participate in a Siyum) on the child's behalf. (Rama Siman 470:2)
Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.
These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.
Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to HalachaForToday@Gmail.com
Reader's Question:
What is the din [regarding the use of] a peeler on yom tov regarding borer etc.?
Borer on Yom Tov is a very complicated sugya(halachic topic).
Bottom line: According to many Poskim, a peeler is permitted to be used on Yom Tov. (See Shmiras Shabbos K'Hilchaso Perek 4:10 and footnote 16)
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זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה
What purpose do dreams serve today?
Answer by HaRav Avigdor Miller Zatzal:
Dreams are very useful today. Dreams can tell you where you're holding in this world. Let's say, if tonight you'll dream that you're sitting in a bathtub full of golden coins, and you're wading with your hands through the coins. Aah! And then you wake up and you are terribly disappointed, it's a let down. So ask yourself, did I dream about sitting in a bathtub full of Gemoras? Would I dream of finishing a Perek? Or even ten Blatt? Why don't I have good dreams? Did I dream of Mitzvahs? Why don't you dream of putting on Tefilin?
The answer is, although you put on Tefilin everyday, conscientiously, but it could be that it's so superficial without any thought, without any feeling, that it really doesn't enter you subconscious mind. And you dream only about the things that you really want, not the things you talk about with your mouth. So dreams can tell you more or less where you are holding in this world.
Sometimes a dream is a fright, and it's a very healthy thing to put a fright into a person. Hashem is frightening a man! And it means, get busy young man or old man, get busy and shake a leg because Chas Veshalom, it might happen! Start accomplishing something in this world, because if you're wasting your life, so Hakadosh Baruch Hu might say, Chalila, why do you need this life? And therefore, a frightening dream also has a purpose.
Rarely, to chosen souls, very rarely, a dream comes to give him a hint of something he should do. Sometimes when you're puzzling about a piece of Gemora and you go to bed with the puzzle unsolved, sometimes it happens, rarely, that the solution lights up in your mind during the dream. When you wake up, aah, why didn't I think of that? Sometimes a problem in dealing with people. Now it could be that the subconscious mind is working while your conscious mind is not. The conscious mind is obstructing the subconscious mind from working properly. The conscious mind uses artificial approaches, the subconscious mind uses the natural direct approaches, and sometimes the subconscious mind is showing you the resolution.
Sometimes it could be Hakadosh Baruch Hu is sending a message. But don't rely too much on that because not everybody is worthy of such a great revelation.