1) Yachatz: The middle of the three Matzos is broken in half; the bigger half is put away and will be eaten later on for Afikoman.
One reason for this broken Matzah is to signify "Lechem Oni, poor man's bread", as Matzah is referred to in the Posuk (Devarim 16:3), which is usually a broken piece rather than a whole loaf, to commemorate the Jews' slavery in Mitzrayim. (Mishna Berura Siman 473:57 based on Talmud Pesachim 115b)
Another reason cited for this "splitting" of the middle Matzah is to commemorate the "splitting" of the Yam Suf (known as the Red sea, which is probably an inaccurate translation, as it should properly be translated as "the Reed sea" or "The sea of Reeds"; see Rashi to Shmos 13:18) and the Yarden which took place on Pesach. (See Da'as Zekeinim L'Ba'alei Tosefos Shmos 12:8)
2) Some people have the custom to take the half of the Matzah that was broken off for Afikoman and place it on their shoulders or on their backs [and walk around the table] to commemorate the Bnei Yisroel leaving Mitzrayim carrying [what turned into] Matzah, [as well as other packages] on their backs. (Shulchan Aruch HaRav Siman 473:35 says "their backs" and Mishna Berura Siman 473:59 says "their shoulders")
Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.
These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.
Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to HalachaForToday@Gmail.com
Reader's Question:
Is one required to give ma'aser from money that was received as a present?
Yes, Maaser should be given from money received as a gift. ( Rabbeinu Yonah in Sefer HaYirah. See also Sefer Peleh Yoetz in the "Maaser" chapter)
When one gives maaser his/her money becomes blessed and will increase as it says in the Torah "Aser T'Aser" and Chazal learn that one who gives maaser properly will become wealthy. Thus, when you give maaser from your gift, you aren't diminishing your gained money, rather you are increasing the gift's value.
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זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה
In Dayeinu we say that had Hashem brought us before Har Sinai but not given us the Torah it would have been sufficient. What would be the point? Why are we so quick to forgo the torah and its mitzvos?
The Otzar Divrei HaMeforshim brings the Maharal Tzintz answers that the remez to 613 mitzvos is from the pasuk Torah Tziva Lanu Moshe. Torah is b'gematria Taryag/613. The gemara ask that torah only equals 611. It answers that Moshe gave 611, while the other two, Anochi and Lo Yihiyeh, Hashem said on Har Sinai Himself.
The Maharsha says that within the two mitzvos of Anochi and Lo Yihiyeh are included all the other 611.
Therefore if Hashem had brought us to Har Sinai and told us those two mitzvos but Moshe would not have given us the torah, it would have been sufficient.