1) The Arizal (quoted in Be'er Heitev Orach Chaim Siman 238:2) says that "Mikrah, Torah SheBiksav, the written Torah" should not be studied at night, rather "Torah SheBa'al Peh, oral law" should be studied then. (The reason for this is obviously Kabalistic. See the Artzos HaChaim (from the Malbim) Siman 1:36 and Yesod V'Shoresh H'Avodah Sha'ar 6; HaNitzutz Perek 2).
The Seforim say that the aforementioned prohibition does not apply to Shabbos and Yom Tov or to Thursday Nights. (See Ben Ish Chai, Parashas Pikudei, year one, Siman 7)
The great Mekubal Rav Shalom Sharabi (RaShash) maintained that the verses of Tehilim were excluded from the above prohibition, and may be said at night. In fact, he says that Dovid HaMelech composed and wrote Sefer Tehilim at night! (Quoted in Shu"t Chaim Sha'al Vol. 2 Siman 25. Another reason is because Hashem gave Tehilim a status like the Mishna tractates of "NeGaim and A'Halos", which basically gives it a status of "Torah Sh'Ba'al Peh", which is permitted anytime.)
If the Tehilim is being said for the urgent Refuah Shelaima of a Choleh it can surely be said at night. (Ruling of Debreciner Rav in Shu"t Be'er Moshe Vol. 4 Siman 22, Eishel Avraham (Butchatch) Orach Chaim Siman 306, and other Poskim)
If the Pesukim are being learned with a Pirush (commentary such as Rashi) then it is not a problem at all and the entire learning has a status of oral Torah, which of course can be learned at night. (Shu't Levushei Mordechai Siman 186 and others)
2) Although Rosh Chodesh is treated like a Yom Tov in many ways, still the prohibition of studying Torah SheBiksav at night is in effect on Rosh Chodesh eve. (See Ben Ish Chai, Parashas Pikudei; year one, Siman 7. Perhaps the reason is that Rosh Chodesh is a Yom Tov exclusively for women, and thus does not have the status of a Yom Tov for men. See Mishna Berura Siman 417 S"K 3 and Siman 570 S"K 6 and Siman 572 S"K 5)
Reader Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.
These Q&A are taken from the Q & A pages on the Halacha For Today website.
Although the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes only, NOT for Psak Halacha.
Questions can be emailed to HalachaForToday@Gmail.com
Is it an aveira (sin) to be worried or nervous, because it says to trust in Hashem as a commandmet and being worried isn't trusting in Hashem?
Well, that is an extremely high level, and one that we as frum jews should strive for our entire lives. If you learn the Sefer Chovos Halevovos (and every frum jew should read this sefer!) it will help you understand, internalize and make you feel Bitachon as a real thing!
Yes, Hashem is in charge and in total control of this world, and nothing -bad or good- can happen without Him willing it so. Yes, technically we should never worry, and simply place our trust in our all powerful Father in heaven who loves us and watches over each and every one of us.
As long as you are striving to reach this level, even if it takes you many years or even a lifetime, it isn't an "Aveira" to worry or be nervous.
However, if one worries too much and forgets about Hashem and doesn't at least try to place his/her trust in Him, it may indeed be a sin.
This topic is a very exhaustive one, and beyond the scope of an email. I do suggest reading sefarim/books on the topic of Emunah/Bitachon to help you grow in this important area. (Rabbi Avigdor Miller Zatzal has some excellent books on these topics as well as many other Hebrew and English books by many great authors that can be found in any Seforim store)
This section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal , the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal and the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Ohr, the great Posek HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zatzal.
May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.
We will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.
THANK YOU AND תזכו למצות!
זכר צדיקים וקדושים לברכה
Perfection has NOTHING to do with your wisdom,strength or wealth.