Current Topic:
Review of Halachos of Elul & Yamim Nora'im
1) The Shabbos between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is referred to as "Shabbos Shuva", as the Haftarah that is always read on this Shabbos begins with the words "Shuva Yisroel Ad Hashem Elokecha- Return, Klal Yisroel, to your G-d Hashem".
This alludes to the fact that this time period between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur , referred to as The "Aseres Yemei Teshuva", the 10 days of repentance, are a most opportune time for Teshuva.
It is very important on this Shabbos to be extremely diligent in adhering to all the Halachos of Shabbos, especially in the Halachos of "V"Dabro Davar"-not speaking things forbidden to talk about on Shabbos (business related talk, idle talk, etc.). Being stringent in these matters on this Shabbos will serve to strengthen us all in these areas on all the Shabbasos of the coming year. (Kaf HaChaim 602:8 and Birchei Yosef Siman 602:2)
2) It is a Minhag in Klal Yisroel that the Rav gives a special Drasha (speech) this week, commonly known as "The Shabbos Shuva Drasha".
The purpose of this speech is twofold:
a) to awaken the congregation to Teshuva and b) to educate the congregation as to the pertinent Halachos of Aseres Yemei Teshuva, Yom Kippur and Sukkos.
The Drasha should preferably have a mix of Mussar and Halacha. (See Mateh Ephraim Siman 602:41)
In many congregations, the minhag was for the Rav to wear a Tallis while giving his Shabbos Shuva Drasha, out of respect for the congregation. Others gave the reason that the Tallis was worn to protect him from the evil eye.
Most congregations today do not follow this Minhag, as they rely on the Tzitzis that the Rav is wearing to protect him (Elef Hamagen 604:22 and Shu"t Lev Chaim Vol. 3 Siman 99)
Submitted Questions of interest on topics related to Halachos we
covered, as well as other interesting topic and Answers.
the answers I give to questions are taken directly from the Sifrei
HaPoskim, and aren't my own, they are still for study purposes
only, NOT for Psak Halacha. Questions can be emailed to
I am hearing many
different things about the whole inyan about stepping on nails: Only
counts when you're barefoot,has to be your own nails, etc. Can you
clarify the main aspects of this halacha for me?
The Talmud (Niddah 17a) says that a pregnant woman who steps on
nails is in danger of losing her child Chas V'Shalom. The Gemara goes so
far as to call one who doesnt dispose of his/her nails properly a
Rasha, an evil person.
Although the Shulchan Aruch doesnt bring this halacha directly,
the Poskim do indeed quote the Gemara and seem to be very stringent
with this Halacha L'Ma'aseh.
The Chazon Ish was extremely makpid with this as were many Gedolim.
only applies if the nails are in the place where they were dropped, but
once they were moved, they are no longer a danger. Thus if one did cut
their nails, it is important to sweep the area to make sure the nails
move from where they fell. (See Mogen Avraham beginning of Siman 260, Mishna Berura Siman 260:6, Be'er Heitev 260:2)
This applies to a person's own nails as well. This also applies to nails of non Jews (See Rivevos Ephtraim Vol. 8 Siman 88:1)
the Gemara seems to say that it is a danger only for pregnant women,
the Zohar Parshas VaYakhel seems to say that it is a danger for anyone
to walk on nails. (See Likutei MaHarich Seder hanhagos Erev Shabbos
Dibur hamaschil V'Ayin B'Rama and Yesod V'Shoresh H'Avodah Perek 8:1).
section is dedicated L'Ilui Nishmos the Telzer Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav
Chaim Yaakov Stein Zatzal , the Mir Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Noson Tzvi
Finkel Zatzal and the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Ohr, the great Posek
HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zatzal.
May we all strive to follow in their ways and may they be Melitzei Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.
will B'Ezras Hashem post here each day a short inspirational thought to
help us all improve our lives and grow in our service of our Father in
heaven, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.
How should a mother and
housewife get the feeling of the approaching yomin noraim, if she's so
busy with the preparations for gashmius? A women in the kitchen, she is
busy preparing, cooking and baking; so how can she prepare?
Answer by HaRav Avigdor Miller Zatzal:
If she would think at the time that she is
doing these things, "what's the purpose of all her work"? She is doing
this as a kindliness to the people of her family. Why is she practicing
kindliness to her family? Just because mothers do it everywhere.In
Bensonhurst an Italian mother is also cooking and baking for her family!
And in Bedford Stuyvesant a black mother is also doing the same, so
what difference is there?
No: a frum, a Torah mother is doing it only because she is
Hakadosh Baruch Hu. That's how we have to learn that great function of
chesed that a Jewish mother and a wife performs. She is the symbol of
kindliness to her husband and to her children, that's her chief function
in life. But she does it not like others do; she does it in emulation
of the Creator. Just as the Creator makes winds blow and causes rain to
fall and he spreads a table before all mankind and He feeds them,
po'seiach es yo'decho, so when she brings the food to the table finally,
she should feel that she is the hand of Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Nosain
lechem lechol bosor, He gives bread to all flesh, ki l'olam chasdo! And
she feels that her life is a dedication to Hashem, she is following in
His footsteps.
That's the gemora, the gemora says, ma hu
chanun af ato chanun. Just like Hakadosh Baruch Hu is merciful, so you,
and v'halacto b'drachuv. And therefore it's a great pity if you don't
know this, so it means that you're just imitating the nations of the
world. The same is for a doctor. If a doctor realizes that Hakadosh
Baruch Hu isrofei cholei amo yisroel, and the doctor as he dispenses
advice and
thinks, "I am doing the agency, I am a shaliach for Hakadosh Baruch
Hu", that's one of the noblest missions in life. Isn't it a tragedy that
people live their lives and do great things and forget that their chief
function in life is to emulate Hakadosh Baruch Hu?
even a teacher of children, he teaches because of his check. If he would
think, ha'melameid Torah l'amo yisroel, just like Hakadosh Baruch Hu
teaches Torah to His people, I am his agent in teaching Torah to His
children. Of course he has to get a check, and unfortunately he doesn't
get it frequently enough and it's not big enough when he does get it,
and yet it's a pity if he lives without this intent.
Everybody: if you're a butcher and you hand the meat across the counter,
think that thought. You're a grocer, think that thought. Whatever you
do in services to people, think that you're standing in the place of
Hakadosh Baruch Hu and you're doing His agency. And that's how a Jewish
mother can become great, she can even become greater than her husband if
she'll live this way, because she's practicing these things that are
kulo chesed, and she'll come to learn to be aware and realize, that's
what Hakadosh Baruch Hu does in this world.
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