Q. Does the chumra with regard to refraining from "pas palter" this week apply to standard pretzels sold in packages at food stores?
A. Many contemporary Poskim maintain that soft and large hard pretzels made from thick dough are considered pas pelter or pas akum. Some are of the opinion that small thin pretzels made from a thin batter do not meet the standards set for the pas pelter prohibition ( Halchically Speaking V.5: Issue 15), others disagree (Harav Yisroel Belsky Shlit"a. See Hakhel 3:2:page 5).
There are also diverse opinions as to the brocho recited on different kinds of pretzels, which may also reflect on pas pelter Halacha characteristics. (Ateres Elimelech quoting Horav S. Z. Auerbach zt"l, Hamesivta y. 5767 p. 314 and others)
Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a pointed out to responsa Avnei Nezer (Y.D. 1: 92) who deliberates whether bread that is not “Oleh al shulchan melochim" or “fit for a king's table" carries the pas akum prohibition and quotes differing opinions. Pretzels would fit into that category.
Horav Miller's Shlit"a opinion is that during Aseres Yimey Teshuva if one is then stringent on pas akum, in case of need he can be lenient on small hard pretzels.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised By Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a.