Q. Shalom U'bracha,
I think I heard a shiur some time ago from HaRav Shlomo Miller Shlita that on pesach you cannot use a kitchen sink, even for cold water, if you do not kasher it, because of a gezaira you will use it for hot water, which would be a problem.
What is the halacha then for using a sink in a non-kosher cafeteria which assumingly was used for tarfus at some point, is it a problem to use for cold water, is there such a gezeira? (ie filling up a urn) or is it only for pesach that we are so makpid.
Thank you so much.
A, Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit"a opinion is that regardless of chometz during Pesach or any other non-kosher food prohibition, you are allowed to take just cold water from a non-kosher sink even in a cafeteria (where there is no Marais Ayn) if the utensil you use is kosher, cold and you don't put it down. The gezeira applies when used constantly or frequently but not for an occasional use.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a