Q. I will be traveling on vacation G-d willing during Chanuka with my family and I have a few questions
When traveling by plane, if the flight departs on the late afternoon (we leave home before plag) and arrives after midnight, and we stay in a hotel. How and where should we light?
A. Aruch Hashulchan (677: 5) and Maharsham (4: 146) permit lightning (with a brocho) when traveling in a train overnight or in a protected area of a boat, since by paying the ticket it will be considered tantamount to renting his space and having a "home," albeit only a temporary and a moving one. Sheorim Hametzuyonim Behalacha (3 p.290) and Rivevos Ephraim (1: 344 and 8: 155) maintain that the same applies to flying in an airplane. The Poskim mentioned above suggest that since it is not be permitted to light a fire in an aircraft these days, one should better wait until he reaches his hotel accommodation. (See also question 418 in this forum, in regards to lighting inside a car)
Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a rules similarly but points out how important it is to properly plan travel so it will not interfere with the lightning of the Chanuka menorah and hinder the compliance of an essential and salient mitzvah.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a.