Q. I will be traveling overseas on vacation G-d willing during Chanuka with my family and I have a few questions…
What do we do on Shabbat? (Chanuka in a hotel, see previous question)
A. Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit"a opinion is that as in the prior answer it is best to light Chanuka candles in the restaurant if available on Shabbos, otherwise one should use an battery powered incandescent light (no LED) if they don't allow the use of actual candles. The batteries should be able to provide enough power for the light to remain on an hour after the shkiah (about one and a half hours of battery time) See next question in regards to naming a shaliach. Again he stresses how important it is to properly plan travel so it will not interfere with the lightning of the Chanuka menorah and hinder the mitzvah.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a.