Q. What happens when an Israeli visits chutz la'aretz does he stop saying tal umotor while here?
A. Poskim differ in their opinions. Most maintain that once he had already begun reciting Tal Umatar while still in Eretz Yisroel (he left after the seventh of Marchesvan) he should continue in Chutz Laaretz. (Birkei Yosef 117: 6, Yom Tov Sheni Kechilchoso 10: n. 12, Tzitz Eliezer 6: 38, Betzel Hachochmo 1: 62, Ishei Yisroel 23: 38, et. al.)
However, if he plans to settle or remain in Chutz Laaretz for an extended period of more than a year, Ishey Yisroel (ibid.) avers that he should stop saying Tal Umatar until the day 60 after the Tekufa. Nevertheless, Piskey Teshuvos (2: p. 876) asserts that if his family remains in Israel, even if he lives for an extended period he should continue reciting Tal Umatar in Shomea Tefila, until the day everyone else begins reciting in Birchas Hashonim.
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit"a opinion is similar.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit"a.