Q. My son was born bein hashmashos on Thursday yud alef cheshvan. We asked a shaila when he was born and we were told to make his bris on Friday.
B"H we are approaching his bar mitzvah. This upcoming year, yud alef cheshvan falls out on Shabbos. Is he allowed to lein and be counted for a minyan that Shabbos, our do we need to wait for the following week?
A. Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit”a opinion is that you should wait for the second Shabbos to make the Bar Mitzvah since in order to discharge the Tefilah and reading of the Torah obligations for all present and to be the Shliach Tzibur, he has to be of age. However if he wants he can read the maftir on the prior Shabbos, given that even a minor can be called for the maftir aliya. (Megila 24a, Shulchan Aruch O.H. 282: 4)
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a