Q. I recently heard in the Daf that one of the Gedolim (I think it was Rav Shternbuch) recommended to say in the mi sheberach after one gets an aliya and offers to give a donation, the word “Lekesheyiten” or “Baabur Sheyiten” instead of “baabur shenodar” since once he says beli neder, there is no neder and no motivation for him to pay the neder anymore, unless the brocho depends on his actual giving. Does Rav Shlomo agree? Can one change the already established Mi Sheberach nusach?
A. Teshuvos Vehanhogos (2: 476) rules that even when someone clearly states at the time of donating for a mi sheberach that this is done beli neder – without an oath, he is still liable to pay the tzdaka he accepted on himself. Therefore, he implemented that the gabay should mention that the brocho will commence at the time he delivers the monies he committed to.
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit”a opinion is that one should maintain the established nusach of the mi sheberach.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a