Q. I have a few cherry trees in my back yard and we are now harvesting the new fruits. Do you make a Shecheyanu Bracha on them since you can find cherries all year round? Is the fact that they are dear to me since I planted the trees and rejoice on collecting the fruits of my labor enough reason to bless shecheyanu?
A. Mishna Berura (225: 18) rules that on does not recite shehecheyanu on seasonal fruits that can be stored and kept fresh all year round, unless there is a significant difference between the fresh ones and the ones kept in store (See also Piskey Teshuvos 225: 2)
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit”a opinion is that the fact that one has an emotional attraction to the fruits he himself farmed and rejoices eating them, is not enough of a reason to recite shehecheyanu, unless they are significant better or different than the ones available all the time.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a