Q. Can the security cameras remain on during Shabbos just to save the patient from yichud (seclusion) prohibitions when left alone with the female care-giver?
Horav Nissim Karelitz Shlit”a (quoted in Moriah-Elul 5771 p.146) maintains that security cameras are to be regarded as an open door to the street in regards to the yichud prohibition, which the Node Beyihuda (E.H. 71) permits. He mentions that they do not have to be scrutinized on real time, as long as there is a possibility that the tape (or digital recording) could later be seen, and it is an effective deterrent.
Minchas Ish (p. 267) permits yichud inside the safe deposit-box room in banks, due to the presence of security cameras. See also Nitey Gavriel (Yivhud 45: 8 – p 283)
However, Horav Elbak (on above article) writes that the recording would not be permitted on Shabbos, since it does not meet the standards required in our last question and in # 648.
Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a advised that in order to leave the cameras and recording equipment on during Shabbos, a random timer should be added in order to avoid this becoming a case of psik reisha or certainty of committing a prohibition. There should also not be a light or other on-indicator on the camera when recording.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a