Q. My three year old son had a miracle. He was standing by the fridge. when the whole cabinets crashed in the kitchen. What stopped it from collapsing totally on him was the Shabbos water heater, where it rested on. Do I bentch gomel for him?
A. Poskim disagree whether a minor recites hagomel. Mor Uk'tzia, Birkei Yosef 219: 1, Mahari Bassan, Ohr Letzion 2 p. 310 et. al. maintain that he should. (see also Har Tzvi O.H. 113.) However, Maharam Mintz 14, Aruch hashulchan, Mishna Berura (219:3) Tzitz Eliezer 14: 20, Lehoros Nossan 4: 12, et. al. rule that minors do not recite hagomel. Magen Avrohom (ibid.) explains that he is unable to say the word hagomel “lechayavim” (guilty ones) since he is not yet accountable for his acts. He also can not omit that word since it is essential not to deviate from the established form of brochos.
Rivavos Efraim (O.H. 4: 63) considers if there is a mitzva of chinuch to educate a minor on reciting hagomel, since he may fortunately never have to recite it in his adult life.
The accepted custom today is that minors do not recite hagomel. Sha'arei Teshuvah (219:1) Shaarei Efraim (4: 58) Nachlas Bunyomin 58 et. al. maintain that the father also does not recite the blessing (some opine with Hashem's name) on their behalf.
It is customary to give an amount to charity in lieu of a Korban Toda. (See question 370 in this forum)
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as advised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a