Q. If one will be absent from class (school) on yom tov, is one allowed to have a goy record the classes for him? If a goy offers to do it, should one refuse?
A. please refer to questions 627, 661, and 704 on this forum
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit”a opinion is that you cannot ask or use the recording done by a Gentile for you on Shabbos. The same applies if the recording was done for you without you asking.
The Rov also advises not to ask a Gentile to ask another, even if the second one does the melocho for the first Gentile and is not even aware of you. However he suggested a permissible way by having the Gentile record a disk for himself and then selling it to you. Thus, he is effectively doing the melocho for his own personal benefit and not for you.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a