Q. is there any problem with taking out from Eretz Yisroel earth, stones or sand?
A. There is an ancient tradition to place earth or sand from Israel on the body of the deceased at burial outside of Israel. (Or Zarua 199, Remoh Y.D. 363, Medresh Talpios – Bereshis 46: 90 et. al.) However, Kol Bo on Avelus p. 183 quotes Pekudas Elozor (127) that the Or Zarua was in doubt if the earth taken out from Israel maintains its holiness. He also debates if it is permitted to export it, as it demeans that kedusha. Yet, he mentions that the tradition was followed by many Gedoley Yisroel throughout the generations. The Talmud (Megilah 29a) mentions in regards to the constant presence of the Shechina during exile, the renowned Bais Hakneses of Shaf Veyasiv (Moved and Settled) in Nahardea. Rashi (ibid.) explains, that it was built with stones and earth that King Yehonia and his followers extracted from Eretz Yisroel during the first exile.
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit”a opinion is that there is no proscription on taking out common sand or stones from Eretz Yisroel to other lands. However, he pointed out the Igrois Moishe (8: 63, Kod'shim) in regards to the severe prohibition of extracting stones from the Kotel or its vicinity, on locations where there may be uncertainty if they are remnants of the Beis Hamikdosh.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a