Q. Erev Shabbos, I am in the Bais Medresh learning Torah, before plag hamincha. Must I stop learning at plag and travel 10 or 15 minutes home to light Shabbos candles and then spend another 10 or 15 minutes back to the shul?
Since I'm not married can a friend acting as my agent light the neros Shabbos for me in my apartment and make the blessing?
A. Shabbos candle lighting could be done using an agent. Mishna Berura (263: 21) quoting Derech HaChaim mentions that when a shaliach lights candles for someone else the shaliach recites the brocho. (See Igrois Moshe O.H. 1: 190, Shabbos Hamalko p. 136, P’ninei Chanuka p. 27 et. al. in regards to Chanuka).
Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit”a opinion is similar.
Rabbi a. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a