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# 1087 Carry the Torch?
Q. Thank you so much for your prompt answer on the ner havdala shayle (#1081) on Motzei Shabbos – Yom Tov.
You mentioned from Mishna Berura that a candle that has several wicks is not considered as an avuka (torch) because they all are seen as one single wide wick. Does that mean that all those very popular decorative wax candles extensively sold in the stores, are not an avuka at all, and only the braided separate candles are correct? They even sell special single candles with two wicks, for the purpose of this Yakenhoiz havdole, is that a fraud?

A. Shulchan Aruch (O.H. 298: 2) rules that you comply with ner havdala even with one single candle, it is only a better mitzva if you use a torch or avuka.
After observing different single body decorative candles and the way they light, Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion in understanding the Mishne Berura’s p’sak, is that the ones that have a space of about 4 mm or more between the wicks are best, since you can clearly distinguish one cord from the other and ascertain that it is not a single strand. Between 2 and 3 mm, it may be questionable. Less than that they look like threads of one single wick.
You may in any case treat them as if you have a single wick candle, and add a match before you recite the brocho; that certainly creates the avuka effect.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a

Posted 6/15/2016 10:32 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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