Q. I understand that one who listens to me'ein sheva (shortened seven blessings version of Shabbos amida) on Friday night is yotzi Maariv. But there is no mention of making the wind blow and the rain descend, which is me'akev! So how can one be yotzi?
A. Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a pointed out to the Hagaos Rabi A. Eiger (O.H. 114: 5), quoted also in Biur Halacha (114, d.h. Machzirin and 268: 13). He debates whether someone who misses ma'ashiv haruach on the amida of Friday night has to repeat the amida or not, since you do not mention it in the short repetition of me'ein sheva.
Eishel Avrohom further discusses if one forgetting ya'ale veyavo on a Friday night that concurs with Chol Hamoed, has to repeat the amida, since ya'ale veyavo is also not mentioned in me'ein sheva. Some (Shiurei Mebaaser Tov 13: 5) differentiate between ma'ashiv haruach, which is a shevach or praise to Hashem, similar to the others usually mentioned in the first bracha, but omitted on Friday night. On leil Shabbos our sages instituted to make brief and shorten the me'ein sheva, and since we also don't mention all the other usual exaltations we exclude ma'ashiv haruach too, as opposed to ya'ale veyavo, that is the essence of the day of Yom Tov, and not just a praise.
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion is that omitting ya'aleh veyavo on Leil Shabbos Chol Hamoed is similar to not mentioning ma'ashiv haruach Friday night and no repetition is needed.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a