Q. (Re- above question on cultured kosher meat). Also what was the status of the meat that was created miraculously in Biblical and Talmudic times?
A. The Talmud (Sanhedrin 59b) relates that angels would roast heavenly meat and serve it to Adam while he enjoyed the Gan Eiden. Similarly, Rabi Shimon ben Chalafta, was walking on the road, when he encountered a pair of lions. He quoted from Psalms: “The young lions roar for prey and to beg their food from G‑d,”and two lumps of flesh descended from heaven. They lions ate one and left the other. He brought it to the Bais Hamedresh and consulted: Is this fit (for eating) or not? He was answered: “Nothing unfit descends from heaven.” Rabbi Zera asked Rabbi Abahu: “What if something in the shape of a donkey were to descend?” he rejoined, that he was just told, that no unfit thing descends from heaven”
Miraculous meat appears again (Sanhedrin 65b), Rabi Chanina and Rabi Oshaia would spend every erev Shabbos learning the “Book of Creation” by means of which they created a calf and ate it.
The Malbim ( Vayera 18: 8) explains that meat created using the “Sefer Yetzira” is pareve. That is why Avraham Avinu was able to give the visiting angels a meal containing both milk and meat; the meat was pareve, as Avraham created it that day. See also Pirkei D’R’ Eliezer (cited in Yalkut Reuveini on Parshas Vayera, and Darchei Teshuva (87, 29). Cheshek Shlomo, ( Y. D. 98) maintains that milk from a cow that was created via the “Sefer Yetzira” is also pareve. Shelah (2, Torah Shebeksav, Vayeishev), maintains that this was the disagreement between Yosef and his brothers and what the Shevatim ate while Yosef assumed it was eiver min hachai.
Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a explained that although this miraculous meat is pareve the sages mentioned above used it for Shabbos, since after all it is an honorable and important as well as palatable dish to honor Shabbos with.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a