In recent times more family members and friends are being honoured with reciting sheva brochos and some of them are not very learned to say the least. This gives rise to brochos said with mistakes or omissions. I would like to know what is the correct thing to do in the following cases.
Q. 1) By error the boreh pri hagefen was omitted at the beginning of the sheva brochos by the chupa, when should it be said?
A. There are two options; one can recite immediately hagefen after shehakol barah and continue the rest of the brochos in their order, or recite the hagefen after the brocho achrono, as you would do in all the subsequent sheva brochos after the chupa. Kovetz Beis Aharon (y. 5753 – n. 4) carries an article by Horav Yechezkel Grubner zt”l, that debates at length the different options and their merits, without favouring one.
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion is that it is better to recite the hagefen brocho immediately.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a