Q. During Havdalah, one recited a benediction over spices and then realized that he is completely unable to smell them and has thus recited a blessing in vain. Should he recite baruch sheim etc. immediately, or wait until after he drinks the wine? Is it necessary to repeat the blessing of hagofen, since the blessing on spices was a hefsek (it was an invalid and worthless blessing)?
A. Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that indeed it is a brocho in vain, but he does not have to recite immediately; boruch shem kevod, rather he should continue with havdala and drink as usual.
The unnecessary brocho on besamim is not a hefsek after the fact, since it was intended for havdala after all and there was no hesech hadaas or disruption of intent. Reciting boruch shem after having said a wrong or unneeded blessing, is only a minhag, when it can’t be said immediately, it can be said after he drank the cup.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a