Q. Regarding the opinion of Rav Miller shlita that one who davens in English should at least say the names of Hashem in the Holy Tongue - what should one do with the phrase "Hashem Elokeinu vaylokay avosaynu"? Should one recite this entire phrase in the Holy Tongue, even though the rest of the prayer is in English? Is it derech eretz to mix languages within a single sentence or prayer when speaking to the Borei Olam?
A. Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit”a opinion is that it is best that one should recite the complete brocho section of Hashem’s names at be beginning of the amida in Lashon Hakodesh; that is from Baruch Ata until Elokei Yaakov. The same applies to other blessings. He added that effort should be constantly dedicated to advance and achieve proper Hebrew pronunciation as soon as possible. One may use a transliterated sidur when so needed. See question 1266 and 1003 in this forum.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit’a