Q. Is dreaming about or choosing the number nine also represented on the letter Tet (see question 1424) also a good siman or a lucky number?
A. Pri Chaim (Komarner Rebbe) on parshas Vayetze mentions that it is indeed also a good siman. This is based on the posuk: “And Leah said,(Ba Gad, written in one word Bagad) "Luck has come"; so she named him Gad.” The gimatrya of “bagad” is nine. He explains that the month of Elul is represented also on the number nine and letter Tet. Since Moshe Rabbenu ascended on that month to heaven to bring to earth the second set of luchos that contain two letters Tet (netuya, yitav), as opposed to the first broken luchos, were there is no letter Tet.
He adds that Elul is completely tov and rachamim, unlike Tishrei, that also contains the Yemei Hadin.
Ben Yehodoya (Baba Kama p. 126) mentions that number nine is the best of numbers and stands forever. He explains that every time you multiply nine by another digit, the resulting ciphers, when added result in nine.
Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit’a added that from the month of Teveth, when the days get longer, a new year of light begins and Elul is the ninth month.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit’a