Q. Kvod Harav
Can one buy Maftir Yona for a Cohen or Levy one wants to honor? Should they just be called for their respective aliyos, stay on the bimah and then after shlishi has ended, proceed to recite the haftara’s bracha and read maftir?
A. Mishna Berura (135: 34) rules that when only three aliyos are given, a Cohen or Levy is not called for maftir, and so do other Poskim. (Shevet M’yehuda 16, Leket Hakemach Hechodosh p. 341)
However, some Poskim permit in need to give maftir Yona to a Cohen or Levy (Sefer Chaim 9. Taalumos Lev 32: p. 96, Toras Hamoadim 15: 30). Har Tzvi (1: 65) maintains that if a Cohen or Levy bought an expensive Maftir Yona and there is a great loss for the shul if it is not given to them, they may be given their corresponding aliya, and after the shlishi finishes his brocho on the Torah, they recite the brochos of and read maftir. He quotes a similar ruling from Rav Akiva Eiger zt”l (284: 4), in regards to a Cohen who can read maftir better than all others.
Horav Shlomo Miller’s opinion is to follow the rule of the Mishna Berura.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit”a