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Have a question? Send it in! Questions are answered by Rabbi Bartfeld.

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# 1518 A Gift Beyond Belief
1) After I came back to work after being away from work for a few days, my boss handed me a gift which was sent from one of our non-jewish co-workers in India. It is a fancy gold image of a Buddhist deity (Ganesh) mounted on a wooden stand. I'm not sure what its status is in terms of being an avoda zara.

What are my options?
- Throw it directly into the garbage.
- Destroy it, then throw it away.
- Sell it to a non-jew.
- Take off the gold, and sell only that.
- It's not avodah zara; I may keep it.


2) Just one more thing abut my question about the Indian avoda zara I got from work:
I live in Israel, so maybe another option is to throw it into the Yam Hamelach (Dead Sea)?
Thanks again.

A. Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that if possible one should investigate if the manufacturer is dedicated to creating these idols out of religious believes and a conviction to spread his faith. (Selling it then by the manufacturer may not be considered as an annulment). It may however, be just a business enterprise or an artistic cultural production.
If the latter is true, he still should destroy the idol, but he may keep the gold.
If it is or may be an avoda zarah, you cannot derive any benefit from it such as sell it or give it to a Gentile, which additionally is also prohibited as one transgresses on lifnei Iver or placing a stumblig block in front of the blind.
To dispose of it, it is unnecessary to travel and throw it into the Yam Hamelech, one may just brake it and throw it into the garbage or incinerator.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit’a

Posted 11/24/2017 2:23 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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