Q. What should the blind or the mute do in regards to the shnaim mikra mitzva? Are they obligated at all? Should they listen to someone else reading or even to a tape?
A. P’ri Megodim (M’Z 285: 2). quotes Ridbaz who asserts that a mute can comply with shnaim mikro by just listening, the same as he does with other mitzvos besides shema. (See conflicting opinions in question above). However, he exempts the blind from this mitzva. The reason being that although, the blind are obliged to keep mitzvos, this particular one is different since it applies mainly to reading Torah and we maintain in principle that the written word (devarim shebiksav) should not be said from memory (baal peh), therefore our sages did not impose this mitzva on the blind. Nevertheless, many Poskim disagree and maintain that he should listen to someone else reading. (Yalkut Yosef 4: 285: 13: n. 15- Kaf Hachaim ibid.: 9,10. Mahari Shtaif 18, See Tshuvas Horashbo 206)
Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion in regards to the blind is to hear shnaim mikro from someone else or even from a tape but repeat the words. In regards to the mute, it is to hear it from someone else.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit’a