Q. Re- prior question (1631) on two classes of judgment. Since we always say that the power of the community and Klal Yisroel as well as the din horabbim or communal judgment supersedes and preempts the din hayochid or the individual’s acts and sentence, why do we have to have a din hayochid or do mitzvos as individuals?
A. Kovetz Maamorim (p. 39) explains that the din and powers of the klal apply basically only on this world. On Olam Habba the judgment is done based on one’s actions and not on in the influence of the klal were one belonged. He thus explains why the Torah seldom refers to Olam Habba at all, since the punishments and rewards mentioned in Tanach refer to this world.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit’a