Q. Re- question 1616 - Rav Miller shlita paskened to me not to count a katan for a minyan under any circumstances. I would like to kindly request a clarification: If I am in a place where they are in fact using the katan as the 10th person [and I am not able to convince them otherwise], should I leave and go elsewhere to daven, so that I will fulfill my chiyuv of tefilla b'tzibbur - even though it will prevent their minyan from taking place altogether, or may I stay and daven with them, so that at least they will have a minyan according to some opinions? Thank you.
A. As mention on question 1616, Horav Shlomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is to follow the Mishna Berura’s ruling (55: 4) not to count a minor in the minyan in all cases. The Rov recommended that if one wants to help the making of the minyan, he should help them by bringing or inducing one more individual to join them. (Besides the Halacha’s ruling, there is also a known tendency on those who are lenient to constantly use a minor to make the minyan.)
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit’a