Q. On question 1655 the Rov expressed that because of tzenius issues, one should not participate on marathons or large walking events. I have seen in past occasions that some Gentiles that seem to be of the type to be employed to be care givers to the Jewish elderly do participate. I’m wondering if one can make them a shaliach or an agent to represent him/her on the march or marathon. Would that be permitted or recommended?
A. In principle a Gentile cannot become a shaliach or an agent for fulfilling or complying with mitzvos on behalf of a Jewish person, even when it would work for another Jew.
However, Horav Slomo Miller’s Shlit’a opinion is that on certain instances, when it is necessary one may indeed ask a non-Jew to follow or perform a mitzva on his behalf.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit’a