Q. I daven in a shul where the first Selichot are usually said at 11.00 PM on Motzei Shabbat since most people are unwilling to come two hours latter, when most shuln say the first Selichos.
My question is; Should I say selichot together with them before chatzos or is it better to wait until Sunday morning and find a minyan that says selichot in the mornng.
A. Your best option is to join that first night with a minyan that recites selichos Motzei Shabbos at chatzos (after 1.16 AM, Toronto time), since that is considered an "Eis Ratzon" or a time of good will according to the Zohar. (See Magen Avraham 581: 2 and Igros Moshe 2: 105 that that is the tradition of most Ashkenazi communities).
Poskim based on the Zohar, worn not to say selichos before chatzos or midnight (Birkei Yosef, Shaarei Teshuva, Piskei Teshuvos ibid.) Igros Moshe ibid. maintains that there is no prohibition, rather there is no benefit to reciting the thirteen qualities of compassion at that time, and therefore no promise that the tefilos and prayers will be accepted.
However, Nitei Gavriel (Rosh Hashana 8: 4) in the name of other Poskim, rules that it is forbidden to recite selichos before chatzos.
Therefore, it would be better when one cannot stay up until chatzos, to recite selichos before shacharis in the morning.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a