Q. I made a bris on Shabbos Chol Hamoed Sukkos. The milah itself was done in my house and the kiddush was at the neighbors sukka. Can the person making the brocho drink from the wine since it is not bemokom seuda? What is the correct thing to do? Is going to the neighbors suka shinui makom?
A. Remah (O. H. 273: 5) rules that on a briss done on Shabbos morning, the sandak or the mohel are allowed to drink from the wine cup if they drink a shiur. Mishna Berura (ibid. 27) maintains that an extra cup should be consumed besides the one drank by the brocho of the briss, in order that it should be considered a kiddush bemakom seuda, or recited in the place one eats. However, the Remah (ibid.) writes that the minhag is to give a child that has reached the chinuch stage and already understands, to drink from the cup.
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion is that since the sukka is in a different location, it is best that the one reciting the brocho should give it to a child to drink. He would then have to make kiddush on the sukka later.
The Rov recommended, if the person honored with the brocho is willing, he should first recite kiddush in the suka and then return to the briss. He should let it be known to the present, that he has already made kiddush, and that is why he is drinking the kos of wine.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a