Q. I'm wondering if it would be permissible to listen to a mussar shiur (on mesilat Yesharim) in the morning while getting dressed,etc. (before having said the birkat HaTorah. I think I've learned that most poskim do require birkat HaTorah to listen to Torah, but I've also heard that it may only apply to certain Torah subject (Chumash, Gemara, etc) and that it would not apply to Mussar. Can you please give a p'sak if listening to mussar would be allowed before saying Birkat HaTorah. (note: I would have already washed netilat yedayim, used the washroom, and be mostly dressed!).
Thank you
A. Shulchan Aruch (O.H. 47: 4) rules that one just thinking to words of Torah, does not have to recite Birchas Hatorah. Mishna Berura (ibid.: 7) quotes Hagra's opinion that even thinking requires a blessing and mentions that one beginning his learning, should at least say some words, so the brocho will refer to those words actually verbalized. However, many Poskim differentiate between merely thinking and actually listening to words of Torah, as Shaarei Teshuva (ibid. 3) explains, since "shomea keone" or listening is tantamount to answering, will apply.
Leket Hakemach Hechodosh (47: 19) quotes Chasam Soffer that for just thinking divrei Torah, it suffices to also just think the blessing of the Torah.
In regards to learning mussar, Horav Shlomo Miller's shlit'a opinion is that in the unlikely case were no p'sukim or words of our Sages are said and only basic and elementary ethical or philosophical principles are mentioned, no brocho is required.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a