Q. When I leave the house, I would like my hands to be clean (for learning, making brachot, etc). My problem is that I put my shoes on by the front door and usually will touch my shoes, making them too "unclean" to say brachot, etc. If going back to the kitchen sink to wash is not an option (eg. shoes are too dirty/wet in winter), then what other options do I have? For example, would hand sanitizer work? How about hand moisturizer cream? Any other valid suggestions? Is wiping on a clean surface (eg. clothing) an acceptable alternative or its that really "b'dieved"?
A. See question 1064 in regards to washing hands after bloodletting or medical interventions, where we explained that there are different types and reasons for netilas yodaim. In some cases you require a keli or proper utensil as well as acceptable water for netilas yodaim, specially when a brocho is to be recited.
Horav Shlomo Miler's Shlit'a opinion is that when cleaning hands for the purpose of reciting brochos or learning Torah, when no ruach ra'ah is an issue, if no water is easily available, it suffices to clean with hand sanitizer liquids or gels. See also question 1727 in regards to washing hands after using a bathroom in our days.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a