Q. When no wine or beer are available at the chupa, (the chupa took place at a hall out of town), should liquor be used or nothing at all and no shehakol brocho should be made?
A. Maharsham (5: 8) and others warn against using strong wine since it may jeopardize the validity of the kidushin, if the chosson or the kalla become intoxicated under the chupa.
However, Poskim maintain that since only a small tasting is required by the newlyweds, a brocho, even a shehakol, should be recited over a kos.
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion is that additionally, the liquor could also be substantially diluted and still maintain its validity as chamar medina, when done and prepared as usually these drinks are served. The same would apply to the reciting of kiddush on Shabbos day, if no wine is available.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a