Q. If a pareve metal pan covered with enamel was accidentally run through a meat dishwasher that has not been used for over a day, is it still pareve? What if it was washed with the fleishike utensils? Can it be kashered to be used still for pareve?
A. On a prior question (Sep, 25, 15) regarding a pareve knife (with a plastic handle) and a solid piece pareve cake server in the dairy dishwasher and they went through a cycle, we wrote "There are several reasons to be lenient in this case since it involves the principle of nosen ta'am bar nosen ta'am, as we deal only with the weakened secondary taste that was imbedded in the dishwasher and then expelled and absorbed by the pareve utensils (Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 95: 2). Besides there is also the detergent that spoils the taste added to the fact that the dishwasher was not used in the last twenty four hours. (See Igrois Moshe (O.H. 1; 104, Y. D vol. 2, 28 & 29; Y. D. 3: 10, ND 11: 58 )
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion is that the utensils will remain pareve."
In our case, the Rov maintains that even when washed with meat utensils, in need and after waiting twenty four hours, the metal pan could be kashered and remain pareve.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a