Q. Can you light the shul menorah on Chanuka from a shul yohrtzait candle? How about a cigarette from a yohrtzait candle?
A. Remah (O.H. 154: 14), permits only in great need the use of shul lights for private use. Mishna Berura (ibid. 56) quotes Shaarei Teshuva who prohibits lighting a tobacco smoke pipe from the tefilah lights in shul, but permits lighting it from a yohrzait candle that lights the whole day.
However, Kaf Hachaim (ibid. 96) and others are stringent since they consider even a yohrtzait candle that was lit in shul as set alight in the honor not only of the neshama of the niftar but also of the Beis Haknesses and therefore it acquires some holiness too. Aruch Hashulchan (ibid.16), although in principle is lenient, also advises to avoid using them when possible.
Mishna Berura (674: 5) rules that you may light one a mitzva light directly from another, and therefore you may ignite the menorah from the shul lights.
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion is that, as mentioned before, a yohrzait candle lit in shul, can be considered a ner mitzva and the menorah can be kindled directly from it.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a