Q. Our family is going to visit our parents for Shabbos Chanuka and be staying there until Motzei Shabbos. Our home is close by and we are leaving after the plag. We heard that there are different opinions where to light the menora. What is Horav Miller's opinion?
A. Piskei Teshuvos (677: 3) indeed maintains that when leaving home after plag hamincha for one that lights facing the outside of their homes, even if no one is going to remain Shabbos at home, lighting should be done at home, before leaving. Similarly, on Motzei Shabbos, if they return home immediately after the end of Shabbos, they should light there.
However, Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion is that they should light at the home of their parents where they are going to spend Shabbos. Likewise, after Shabbos they should also light there and stay for the shiur hadlaka, before returning home.
Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a