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# 1963 Beware of Greeks Bearing Spiritual Lifts
Q. Why do we attack so much the Greek philosophy during Hanuka, did not the Rambam study and wrote much about Aristotle?
The Talmud in Megila also sponsors learning Greek wisdom, since Noach blessed Yefes that he will dwell in the tents of Shem, so why is it so vilified on Hanuka?

A. Poskim disagree in regards to the learning of philosophy, (the love of wisdom), that usually includes the teachings of the classic fathers of that study, namely Aristotle and Plato.
Well known are the Teshuvos of the Remah (6 -7) where he disagrees with the very strong objections of the Maharshal to the Remah quoting Aristotle. The Remah defends his view, maintaining that he personally never studied any of the philosophers books, he rather learned about their teachings from the many quotations of them in the Seforim of the Rambam.
Maimonides’ More Nebuchim or Guide of the Perplexed, is largely devoted to an attempt at reconciliation between Aristotelian thought and the teachings of the Torah.
Remah (Y.D. 246: 4) rules that one may study occasionally other studies besides the learning of Torah. Shach (ibid. 6) explains that this may be referring to philosophy.
Kovetz Shiurim (47: 9) writes that "earlier Sages debated if one can engage in the study of Philosophy. However, it is easily understood, he adds, that even the ones who permit, it is only for those who's fear of Hashem precedes their wisdom. A quality uncommon in our generation." Other contemporary Poskim disagree.
Horav Shlomo Miller's Shlit'a opinion is that regardless of the opinions in regard to the study of the Greek philosophy, there is a great difference between the intellectual study of ideas and the diametrically opposed actual Greek Culture and behavior of their historical society. What Chanuka mostly rejects is that Greek Culture of paganism, celebrating the body, the hedonism and self-indulgence, that is so contrary to the Torah values.

Rabbi A. Bartfeld as revised by Horav Shlomo Miller Shlit'a

Posted 12/10/2018 8:13 PM | Tell a Friend | Ask The Rabbi | Comments (0)

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